Wie tickt die Kunstszene? Der Kunstpodcast.
Im Kunstpodcast «Wie tickt die Kunst-Szene?» spreche ich mit Künstlern, Kunstschaffenden, Kunstkritikern, Kuratoren und vielen anderen über alles was mit Kunst zu tun hat. Wir finden Antworten auf Fragen, die du nicht zu stellen wagst.
Ich produzieren und moderiere die Podcasts selbst. Wenn ihr uns unterstützen wollt, könnt ihr dies über paypal.me/kunstpodcast sehr gerne tun. Danke an Musikfox für den Beitrag.
Wie tickt die Kunstszene? Der Kunstpodcast.
Talking to Eli Wilner
My today’s guest is Eli Wilner. Eli lives and works in New York, Manhattan. He has been running his business there as a Master Framer for over 40 years and is considered one of the world's best sources for antique American and European frames. His frames are made in the same way as the original antique frames. Eli has built a collection of over 3,500 antique frames which are available for his replicas.
Eli created a hand-carved and gilded replica of the lost original frame for Washington Crossing the Delaware by Emanuel Leutze. Such a replica would cost about 2.5 M USD today. Eli has made frames for the White House, the Metropolitan Museum and works with the two major auction houses Christie's and Sotheby's. Today he tells us about these experiences and shares his vision of the future of art.